Saturday, March 28, 2020

Kotlin + OAuth2 + JWT + SpringBoot2 + JPA

I share example how to integrate Kotlin + OAuth2 + Spring Rest API + SpringBoot 2  + JWT +JPA.

Technologies used:

1. Spring Boot 2.2.6.RELEASE
2. Maven
3. OAuth2
4. Intellij IDEA Community
5. Spring Tools Suite (STS) 4
6. MySql
7. Postman

Code on GitHub:


Create table on MySql:

 `id`       INT(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, 
 `username` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, 
 `password` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, 
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`) 

I saved the password field with Security - Password Enconding (

VALUES      (1, 

IntelliJ:  File -> open --> choose folder backend

Change the configuration on file application.yml

Run project from IntelliJ :

View -> Tool Windows -> Maven -> Execute Maven Goal-> mvn install

Run project backend.jar with java -jar backend.jar,  in the file configuration you can define context for application, i define context --> backend and port 9000.

Credencials for test:

Test: Get token

Test: Error when you try to access ws, you need to add access_token

Add access_token -> url?access_token=your_token.


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